So… I Almost Died

A few weeks ago I confronted my mortality. Not because I wanted to, it wasn’t one of those moments where you dig deep and wonder about the meaning of your life and the time you have left. No, it was an ordinary day….at first. I was up and at ’em early as usual, driving my […]


Do you ever feel like a victim, like everyone dumps on you or treats you badly? Do you always seem to get the short end of the stick?  Sometimes those things are the result of bad luck or surrounding yourself with the wrong people, but sometimes, we do it to ourselves…… Here’s a phrase that […]


Isn’t that what people think in work places everywhere when the discussion turns to the Respectful Workplace Policy?  Respect, my eye!  I’ve heard it many times, I‘ve even thought it.  Why?  Because Respectful Workplace Policies aren’t working!!! As a public speaker, I travel a lot and have the honor of meeting people from all over […]